Posted inds106 media brainwashing: andrea reacts After making my own PSA and propaganda poster, we had to create a reaction post about how our characters would react to some of the… Tags: andrea grant, ds106, post reaction, spring24bond
Posted inds106 aggressive tech: surveillance psa This assignment was to create a PSA about Aggressive Technologies or AI. So I decided to make my PSA on one of the innovative technologies… Tags: aggressive technologies, ds106, spring24bond
Posted inds106 aggressive tech: propaganda poster For this assignment, we had to design some propaganda of our choosing which was a very open-ended prompt I wasn't sure what to do with.… Tags: aggressive technologies, ds106, propagandadesign, spring24bond
Posted inweekly summaries there goes my weekly summary: #6 It's video week part 2! This week's assignment choices had a lot of options and it was hard to choose at first. While I may… Tags: ds106, spring24bond, WeeklySummary
Posted inassignment bank aggressive tech: propaganda video For one of my assignments that needed to include my course character, I decided to make this Fake Propaganda Video that informs and glorifies its… Tags: aggressive technologies, andrea grant, AssignmentIdea, ds106, spring24bond, VideoAssignments, VideoAssignments2386
Posted inassignment bank serenity now! but for real In one of the episodes of the last season os Seinfeld, one of the main characters is advised to repeat “serenity now” as a mantra… Tags: AssignmentIdea, ds106, spring24bond, VideoAssignments, VideoAssignments435
Posted inassignment bank the rivalry redefined: andrea’s story Tell your character’s story or a story from their life through video. This can be as simple as adding images and putting a voiceover, or… Tags: andrea grant, AssignmentIdea, ds106, spring24bond, VideoAssignments, VideoAssignments2387
Posted inweekly summaries there goes my weekly summary: #5 It's video week!!! We didn't have as many assignments but instead one big one. Before doing that though we had to update our course goals… Tags: ds106, spring24bond, WeeklySummary
Posted inmedia reviews video essay: passengers For our video essay, I chose to watch Passengers, specifically the turning point in the movie when the big plot's secret point is revealed. I… Tags: ds106, film review, media review, spring24bond, videoessay
Posted inds106 here are my course goals redux We've reached the 5th week and it's time to look back at our course goals. I would say that I've definitely made some progress on… Tags: ds106, ds106goals2, spring24bond