Posted inweekly summaries there goes my weekly summary: #4 This week was audio week!!! We had a lot of stuff to go through but it was honestly still very fun. I enjoy editing a… Tags: ds106, spring24bond, WeeklySummary
Posted inassignment bank hear your news from 100% real reporters here Not everyone listens to the news. Those who do know that it's either covering really important and often depressing issues or reports that are just… Tags: AssignmentIdea, AudioAssignments, AudioAssignments2820, ds106, spring24bond
Posted inassignment bank tennessee whiskey haunts andrea This media assignment has two parts. First, edit a song to sound like it is playing from another room. The audio should sound muffled and… Tags: andrea grant, AssignmentIdea, AudioAssignments, AudioAssignments2227, ds106, spring24bond
Posted inassignment bank totally not an ad. right? I had a lot of fun with the TV Product Placement Radio Ad because it combined two of my favorite things to do, watch silly… Tags: AssignmentIdea, AudioAssignments, AudioAssignments1419, ds106, spring24bond
Posted inds106 ds106 radio show indoctrination: a bumper I didn't have much of an idea of what to do for the assignment so I asked Dr. Oblivion really nicely and here's what he… Tags: AssignmentIdea, AudioAssignments, AudioAssignments2616, ds106, radiobumper, spring24bond
Posted inds106 ai hour experience: audio production I joined the radio show on Tuesday night, where we listened to the second episode of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? At first, I… Tags: ds106, ds106radio, spring24bond
Posted inds106 thinking about sounds This week our audio learning journeys led us to this assignment that teaches us about the art of audio storytelling. We had two videos: Radiolab's… Tags: audioreflection, ds106, spring24bond
Posted inds106 half-baked radio show ideas My course character Andrea has a bit of a backstory already but leaves enough open for a lot of different radio show ideas. A lot… Tags: ds106, radioshowideas, spring24bond
Posted inassignment bank a walk to work: sound effect story An assignment everyone had to do this week was a Sound Effects Story. I wanted the story to tell a lot about the atmosphere which… Tags: AssignmentIdea, AudioAssignments, AudioAssignments2615, ds106, spring24bond, WeeklySummary
Posted inweekly summaries there goes my weekly summary: #3 This week was a lot less stressful and I think I hit my stride because the assignments seemed easier to be more creative and I… Tags: ds106, spring24bond, WeeklySummary